Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fluorescent headache, LCD monitor eye strain, dizziness, nausea




August 22, 2009 10:03 PM
I just went back to school and my first fifteen minutes in a computer lab with flourescent overhead lights put me in la la land. I couldn't focus. I was struggling to read and felt very angry that I couldn/t turn the overhead lights off. My next class I wore a wide brimmed hat. I finally put my polarized sunlgasses on. I was to the point I didn't care what anyone thought. I'm worked in office settings for 15 years and always felt I could see better if I turned the lights off. I always felt my energy drained from them. I will NEVER work in an environment with these lights even if it means taking a lower paycheck. I work two jobs and am quite happy. One in the natural sunlight and one with an old fashioned lamp. Questioning whats wrong with me? I researched and foundit's unnatural and unhealthy for our bodies. Also read its relationship to ADD in kids.
August 6, 2009 12:55 AM
UV light sensitivity is an autoimmune dysfunction associated with Sjrogren's Disease which is associated with Lyme Disease.
The frequency of UV lighting can actually interfere with your body's electrical system and can cause the heart to beat irregularly. Other symptoms such as dry eyes (sandy or gritty feeling), headaches, migraines, disorientation, itching, skin redness and rashes, nausea, vomiting, body aches, and fever are all possible.
All of you who suffer from autoimmune related conditions (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid Disorders, Epilepsy, Diabetes I, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Autism, and many others) should ask your doctor to test you for Lyme Disease. Ask for the Western Blot and not just the ELISA test.
August 5, 2009 06:44 PM
I'm now unable to work full-time because of this. These lights are everywhere. In some places they affect me immediately and in others I don't notice it for a few minutes or an hour or so. After teaching a class at the college for 3 hours, I'm wiped out for the rest of the day. Headache, exhaustion, eye strain, brain fog...
When I substituted in public schools, I felt awful, minutes after arriving. I began to wonder if that's why so many kids are so strange nowadays. Hyper, jittery, sickly, and having to use those colored overlays to read their work.
In some schools, they go from the fluorescent lights of the classroom to the fluorescent lights of the gym and rarely get any natural light. I can feel a huge difference and relief when I step out of that lighting into the sunlight.
I know fluorescents are bad for me. I wonder if they're bad for a lot of people who don't even realize what's wrong with them.
August 4, 2009 08:00 PM
I use full spectrum light bulbs. They are better for your eyes since the light comes close to natural sunlight.
The great thing about them that you also get vitamin D from the light. They are about $10 to $15 per bulb. For the long bulbs for offices etc I don't know the prices. I suggest you try a brand first then if it works for you then buy more. There are some fake ones out there so you have to watch out.
June 27, 2009 11:11 PM
I am heartened that the list of people finding this site is growing but disheartened that the government marches on with their plan to impose CFL's and other noxious light sources into our environment. I now have about 200 patients in my practice with documented fluorescent light sensitivity. They are the tip of the iceberg whose symptoms are severe enough that they keep pursuing medical attention. In reading the last 2 years of comments on this web site, there is one common theme: affected individuals being unable to work, attend school or go into public buildings without suffering physical illness because of the lighting environment. The situation is now critical as our home environment is threatened as well. No one would dream of forcing an asthmatic to work surrounded by smokers, or a fair-skinned individual to work outside without sunscreen.
Please consider going to www.irlen.com and signing the petition.
Also, Nancy, if you read this. Your daughter may well have Irlen syndrome. This entity describes the symptoms felt by someone who is sensitive to a particular part of the light spectrum, most commonly fluorescent. The light they are sensitive to can trigger migraines, intense fatigue, nausea, panic attacks, abdominal pain, poor memory and concentration.... and more. She can be screened for it - there is a questionnaire on the website that goes through many of the symptoms. Good luck.
May 26, 2009 04:55 PM
I went back to school last year to get my masters degree. Within 5 weeks I could barely function. My whole world had turned into a dream-like state. From the time I woke up, to the time I went to bed, it was all like a dream. I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't even remember a question on a test by the end of the sentence, it was so bad. The rooms of the school were filled with florescent lighting; almost every ballast was full. I had a hunch that it was the lighting but wasn't completely sure. I had to drop out at that point because I couldn't do the simplest of work. Within 3- 4 weeks I was completely normal again. I tried to return the following semester, but the same thing happened. Finally I took a home study course. My question now is, how many young school children have the same unidentified problem and are cast as underachievers ???
May 14, 2009 11:23 PM
My daughter attends a high school where they use the florescent lightening in the whole building, every classroom. She has been getting ill everyday at school with nausea,ringing in the ears, weakness, severe migraines, sweating, chills, clamminess, shaking, eye blurriness and "aura" and "general flu type symptoms". Her Dr. has taken her out of school and now she goes half-days because it has become a daily problem. She comes home very ill everyday and is in bed for hours at a time. We have tried numerous drugs to no avail. We are very concerned as we don't want her to have to quit school or be home schooled. What do we do next year when school starts again?? She is miserable, and we just don't know how to help her. Anyone have any suggestions???
April 27, 2009 05:36 AM
i have just spent the day at work feeling like i was going to have a stroke or something. dizzy and feeling 'not right' maybe an anxiety attack? the worse thing was not being able to talk to people face to face - my eyes blinking and squinting and feeling like i couldn't concentrate a minute more and that i must look like a crazy person with my eyes darting around everywhere unable to focus and look properly. where i work is full of fluorescent lights. i'm fine at home and out in daylight (as long as it's not a 'bright' overcast day) i haven't had headaches from the lights, just this weird thing with my eyes flicking and not being able to look at anyone in the eye...does anyone else have that symptom? glad i found this site - don't feel so crazy now.
April 17, 2009 12:08 PM
Oh my gosh, where to begin... It has been far too long since I visited this site. Dear fellow sufferers, there IS hope! First of all, my deepest thanks to Rita for helping get the word out. I'm glad our NaturaLux solution is working for you. For those of you who do not know me, I have worked in ophthalmology for 36 years now. I studied at the Univ. of Iowa, USC, UCLA and Johns Hopkins. I used to teach ophthalmologists diagnostic ultrasound at Loma Linda Univ. In my experience, the far-and-away greatest number of complaints in the eye clinic are centered around the headaches, eyestrain, visual fatigue and blurred vision associated with fluorescent lighting. These symptoms are lumped into a visual condition known as "asthenopia." When asthenopic patients came into the clinic and complained about their symptoms, we would typically prescribe a new pair of glasses and send them on their way. Unfortunately, because we treated the "symptoms" and not the "problem," the patient would generally return in 6-8 months telling us that the symptoms had returned. We have prescribed a variety of colored tints for glasses since the 1960s, but the most common are blue and pink. The problem is, each color only helped some of the patient population, not all. The other problem is, the light from the fluorescent fixtures would creep over and around the glasses anyway, negating much of the benefit. That is what led me to research and develop a light filtering device that could be used in close proximity to the light source. These colored filters come in the form of a lens and/or tube guard sleeve that transform ordinarily harsh fluorescent light into a UV-safe, color-correcting, soothing light.
I invite any of you who would like to discuss this problem with me personally to contact me directly, or through our website: www.naturalux.com (kevin@naturalux.com) and I will do my utmost to help you find answers, whether it is with our products or some other solution. We ARE here to help...
March 26, 2009 05:07 PM
Hello. You can find documentation of the health effects of fluorescent lighting if you go to www.ifyoulovethisplanet.org, and then go to the Reports, Studies and Conferences page. On the Reports page, find the section Toxic Pollution, at the bottom of which there are links to 7 or 8 studies that show that fluorescent lighting weakens health. And on the home page of this website, at the bottom of the Articles on the right, there are a few articles about fluorescent lighting such as "Fluorescent Light Ain't Right" that might be of interest.
Chromalux full-spectrum bulbs are my solution at home to avoiding fluorescent lighting. They also make full-spectrum fluorescent tubes. Go to www.lumiram.com for more information. Other companies like Seventh Generation make full-spectrum bulbs, but Chromalux is the largest line. One distributor you can buy the Chromalux bulbs from is Ion and Light Co., http://ionlight.com.
March 23, 2009 12:02 AM
Here in Argentina, South America, I entered to work in an office where they have a program in Energetic Efficiency. All bulbs were replaced to fluoresecnt and LEDs. After a while I started with headaches by lunch time and then I ended up using optical glasses for the first time in my first 40 years of life ... some coworkers complained about migraines too ...not quite sure the cause was the light bulbs but it looks familiar reading all these testimonials ...good luck
March 13, 2009 09:37 AM
Thank God I don't feel crazy anymore! I could not figure out why at work (under fluorescent lighting)I would get so incredibly exhausted, my eyes felt so tired and would become bloodshot and I could not focus or concentrate (I thought I had a form of ADD). When I work from home though, I can work the same amount of hours doing the same work and at the end of the day I still have energy left over! I get out of work and I feel like I haven't slept in 3 days. It has affected my work life, my social life and my family life. I always suspected it was the fluorescent lighting that was affecting me but couldn't prove it and my family thought I was nuts. I am SO glad to find other people who can relate and share their symptoms. How do we prove to doctors, employers, even the government that this affliction is real? We really need this to be researched and I will gladly stand in line as a test case to at least get answers and a permanent solution. Heck, to just have the medical community acknowledge that this is real would be a start. There are some days I literally feel like I cannot function at work. I am a manager in an office and I need to be on top of things but any more my energy and focus is so off. I wish I could just work from home everyday but in my position that is not possible. I'm going to join any group out on Facebook or other places that deal with this. There is strength in numbers and it seems there sure are alot of people here who are sufferers.
Bryan in Fl-purgatory
March 11, 2009 04:57 PM
The company I work for recently took advantage of a sizable federal grant and replaced all our lighting of every type for any purpose with a new higher efficiency fluorescent lighting. They even replaced the old fluorescent lights in the offices and bathrooms with them. For some time, I had used special "daylight" fluorescent bulbs in the fixtures in my office because.......less eyestrain and headaches. We were told that to obtain the grant they ALL had to be retrofitted or replaced including mine. I am in hell! By lunch time every day I am zoned out, bleary eyed, and have massive headaches that will not go away. May I repeat, I am in HELL. I always had some problems with fl lights but nothing like this. Can anybody suggest something to help?
February 7, 2009 06:34 PM
I have worked in a store for seven years now. Before going to work there I had perfect vision, now I cannot read anything that is in lights - it is just a blurr. Sometimes while at work things start spinning in my eyes and then the horrible sick headache comes on which really just has to run its course - headache medicine just doesn't make it go away. When I come home I am just exhausted and want to lay down and close my eyes until the next day. I do not turn on lights - it drives my boyfriend crazy that I want to eat in darkness (he has to see his food!). It is nice to see that I am definitely not alone!!!
January 20, 2009 07:43 PM
Hi im another one of you guys with so many similar and identical symptoms.I have tried many doctors most havent heard of problems like ours.But now im angry becouse in AustraliaThey have cleared out normal bulbs in our stores and only sell fluro bulbsIf only the government new in the future that prolonged exposure to fluro globes would cause all these problems that we have. How many other people are there out there who get these symptoms but dont know what causes them.Some people might be diagnosed with anxiety when the go into buildings becouse they get some of these symptoms.What about the people like me and you that will have to use candles for light and have to get a outside job labouring when we had great jobs in our workplace.Anyways i think joining a group on facebook like Rebecca said might get more people to join and get the word out there that WE ARE NOT HAPPY LIVING WITH FLURO LIGHTS.Mabe if we could get in contact with Dr OZ from Opra he seems to know everything.Thanks
Peter From Australia
rebecca Johnson
January 14, 2009 09:26 AM
Dear allI have been moved to start a facebook group page for people so that we can converse with each other. The more I read of this blog the more I'm convinced that if we get together and set something up we will have a much better chance of a) convincing governments to retain incandescent bulbs at least in enough measure for us to lead normal (ish) lives; and b) to figure out between us how to go about treating this, how to approach doctors (I've noticed - and I have had the same problem - that many of you say your doctors have no idea or have never heard of such a problem) and can perhaps lobby for some research on it. Who is with me here? Please sign up to the facebook group. Log on to facebook (or sign up if you don't have a membership - it's very easy) and look up "Fluorescent light sensitivity" under groups. We can then exchange information and thoughts and plans.
All the best, and let's try to do something about this!rebecca
rebecca Johnson
January 12, 2009 01:14 PM
Just want to say to Monica that I experience exactly the same. Forcing us to use fluorescent lighting will also ruin my life. It's hard enough even queuing in the post-office or shopping in Tesco or Woolworths (though they've gone now of course). The cheaper the lighting, the harder it is to remain in the shop without becoming disorientated and dizzy. I can't fly on planes because the lighting gives me such acute anxiety I can't breathe. I have to have low-level incandescent bulb lighting and my own office, and can't even use a normal PC screen because of the effects these lights have had on my sight. I can only say that I wish I had known this condition existed as I'd have stayed well clear of fluorescent lights and hoped to avoid a life of restriction and pain if I could.
December 4, 2008 06:21 AM
FINALLY!!! I can identify with a couple of you above... I do not seem to be affected by the visual aspects of the fluorescent lights but the radio waves or electrical waves they emit. When I enter a store/office/surgery with fluorescent lighting I will be incredibly ill within 2 or 3 minutes. I experience disorientation, head pain, severe chest pain, as if my heart is enlarged and racing, heart palpitations, clamminess, nausea, shaking and I feel like I'm going to collapse if I don't get outside very quickly. I will then be ill for the next 24 hours or so, I feel like I have a shocking case of the flu and for the first hour or so after getting out, I feel incredibly drunk and I find it hard to put words together. I also feel a heightened sense of nausea from movement in my peripheral vision. I have fibromyalgia which I cope with quite ok... but I first noticed the distress caused by fluorescent lighting about 2 years ago, where I could be under covered lights for a couple of hours before I felt the effects, however it has RAPIDLY become worse over the past two months to the point where I simply cannot risk going anywhere there may be fluorescents. I have absolutely NO IDEA what to do... I can't bare the thought of not being able to lead a normal life and I simply feel helpless... aeracuraAToptusnetdotcomdotau
November 14, 2008 10:26 PM
Well, I am glad to have found this site, but the big question is what can we do? I have a business degree, and have been working in sales for 5 years. The environment is made up of about 60 cubicles that have low walls. The ceiling is maybe 10 feet up, and all of the visible light comes from florescent light tubes that are installed with the metal grid reflectors. About a year ago, I started to feel a slight numbness around my left eye, ear, and forehead. this only happened while at work, and would disappear minutes after I would walk outside. Over the next few months, the sensation would occur every time I was in the office, across my entire forehead and neck. I also noticed that my vision, which is perfect 20/20, gets a bit hazy... The problem has gotten so bad now that I can't be in that office for even 10 minutes without feeling numb and burning sensations on my face and scalp, which also have started to become red at times. To try and discover the cause of all of this, I have gone to the office late at night with the lights off and did not have the problem. Through various doctors, I have eliminated the possibilities of bells palsy, vision problems, and stress. The only other possible cause besides the lighting is a reaction to cellular and PCS signal. Most offices and public places have signal boosters and I have also read similar complaints from cellphone users... -- Someone please help with this florescent light epidemic!! I can't just quit my job, and even if I do how can I find another business job where I wont be under these terrible lights? If all of us are experiencing this, what action can be taken to stop the suffering? I would be happy to discuss further to help find a solution. intensuall@yahoo.com
September 5, 2008 05:41 PM
Due to a combination of eye diseases, all types of bright light causes me eye pain including sunlight, incandescent and of course fluorescent light. The most comfortable lighting for me is 40 and 60 incandescent bulbs. I can tolerate fluorescent lighting as long as it is not too bright.
At my current job, I asked the maintenence supervisor to remove some of the flourescent lights in my office so that there are 2 tubes to a grouping instead of the standard 4. That has helped a lot.
At a previous job I did the same thing, and that worked out fine until the company unstalled more energy efficient fluorescent lights which were much brighter. I eventually conviced my boss to have dimmers installed in my office, but I had to keep after him for months before it was accomplished.
At still another job, the company had installed very harsh bright 8 foot blue fluorescent lights with no covers in the hallway. When I complained to my boss, she said that the lights were bright for everyone, and she wasn't going to do anything about it. So after several weeks of not getting anywhere, I took the lights down myself. Now that got the company's attention, and they replaced the harsh blue lights with the standard 4 foot cool white flurosecents.
Several years ago Wal-Mart replaced their lighting with harsh blue/white fluorescent lights which was much brighter than the lights they had before. When I complained to the manager, all he said was that he was sorry the lights bothered, but he was not going to do anything about it. I wrote and e-mailed Wal-Mart headquarters, and heard nothing back from them.
So I have had varied degrees of success and failure.
I am very concered about the push to use compact fluorescent lights and the proposed phase out of incandescent lights. It seems to me that phasing out incandescent lights would be a violation of the Americans with Disablitiles Act (ADA) because incandescent lights are the best option for some people.
August 28, 2008 03:59 PM
Ok, I went to a Dr. visit with my 20 year old who just had her tonsils removed ( A very AWFUL experience) and the Doc took one look at me and said...."you must have allergy's, your eyes are really really red". I was so angry because I KNEW why they were red. I don't have allergy's except when I'm in a waiting room or any room where there is flourescent lighting. I have a routine where I put a drop of visine, LR as soon as I get to work I ( I work in an operating room as a Surg tech). I was so tired of all the comments and name calling...ie., "here comes ole red eye". The weird thing was, I never have red eyes outside...I know, because I ask and when I look at my eyes in the rear-view mirror, I have nice, white eyes. THe only thing I can figure is that I only get that way in the lighting that is in offices, and buildings. One poster, said that they can't stand Target. This is all making sense to me.I kept calling it "Mega Store Syndrome" to my husband.
June 16, 2008 07:02 PM
For all of you fluorescent sensitives out there who must work under this bad lighting - visit Theskyfactory.com. They make scenic diffusers for overhead fluorescent lighting that may help at the workplace. I sat under one of these diffusers for a dental exam and felt none of my usual symptoms. In fact, it helped to relax me. Also, in whatever capacity at our disposal, we must voice our support of natural lighting in building designs and homes and spread the word about the ill health effects on humans caused by fluorescents. (Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't sunlight even cheaper than fluorescent lighting?) Furthermore, I suspect that there is more than the issue of energy savings behind the global CFL mandates. There are a thousand more effective ways to conserve energy use by the populace such as thermostats that have a temp range between 65 and 75 instead of the current 50 and 90. The government can also limit the size of newly constructed homes to 2000 sq. ft.(large homes use large energy). They could also limit the number of computers and televisions per household. Fact is, energy saving policy is being mandated in an area (personal lighting) that will realize the least return. Why?
June 14, 2008 04:20 AM
Amazing how many people have experienced what I have. I have pretty much avoided large stores like safeway, shopping malls, school, etc because I have what feels like a panic-attack when I go any place that has fluorescent lighting. I feel phsyically numbed, dizzy, anxious, my thoughts start racing, my vision changes and gets weird, I feel like I'm about to faint, etc. And it's not social anxiety, because I have no problem getting together with friends, or strangers, in large groups. It's those damned lights and I despise them!
June 11, 2008 03:22 PM
Fluorescent lighting is forbidden in public areas such as schools, libraries, kindergartens etc in most European countries. Upon coming to the US some 20 years ago, me and my wife were horrified to see the tubes virtually everywhere, especially in bunker-like schools here. To combat the effect of the invisible flickering, we have brought strong incandescent lamps to our workplaces or had the employer provide them to us. The fluorescent tubes flicker continuously at 50 Hz (50 times on and 50 off in a second) or 60 Hz in Europe. This effect is absent in incandescent bulbs because of the heat inertia of tungsten: this metal fiber does not have enough time to cool off enough to stop emitting light, while the neon and other gases literally though imperceptibly so go off and on. Glasses won't help much.
Janet Love, MSSW, MBA, LPC, NCC
April 25, 2008 03:05 AM
The push to use fluorescent lights could be very bad for many people with disabilities. The Job Accommodation Network (http://www.jan.wvu.edu) lists reduction or elimination of fluorescent lighting as an appropriate accommodation for many conditions. In addition to causing headache, fatigue, and problems with light sensitivity, they are listed as problematic for individuals with epilepsy, migraine, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, and vertigo (related to cardiovascular problems, multiple scleroses, and several other disorders.) I have also seen accounts of difficulties faced by individuals with hyperactivity, autism and anxiety. Fluorescent treatment of depression can have the side effect of mania.
When I talk about my own sensitivity (resulting in seizure activity regardless of the type of fluorescent), approximately 15% of the population respond with stories about symptoms from this type of lighting, most commonly headache, fatigue and confusion. I find that many people are not aware that their lights are causing their symptoms, until they start thinking about the circumstances the problems occur in. Doctors are not talking about this either; they are using the troublesome lights. I had uncontrollable seizures for 20 years before I figured out the lights were triggering most of my problems. The doctor said he was not surprised, and told me about some of the many other problems people have! No one even suggested I consider it before that.
When standard lighting triggers severe health problems, one is excluded from many important activities. It seems to me that if cement were as valuable as energy, we would be telling people in wheelchairs that it is not reasonable to expect a ramp. I was very disappointed to learn that cities have started developing building codes encourage, or even specify, that this health hazard be implemented in much of the new construction. Compact fluorescents for household use should come with a hazard warning! The ideal would be to exclude fluorescents from commercial use with accessibility standards. Certainly, with the recent increases in problems experienced by children, this issue should at least be addressed in schools.
Please consider taking action to reverse this trend. Write your city, state and national legislators to make them aware of this problem. They are starting to pass laws to make incandescent bulbs illegal, which would leave some of us completely in the dark. We need to look further for alternatives that do not harm any one, or leave them stuck outside, or in the dark.
For my part I have a letter from my doctor, and have started asking for accomodations "under the ADA". I have gotten some positive responses with professional development workshops and a few past employers. I am not having much luck with Texas, but am having some with Austin. I am about to start expecting acccomodations at the Mayors Comittee for People With Disabilities, then I will go to the Govenor's Comittee. Push as hard as you can where ever you can. I think I will help them by asking if they would prefer the following headline: "Woman has seizure in street after (agency) refuses ADA request" Or perhaps they would like to ride in my car? State that you require an accomodation, don't ask if they will do it.
March 6, 2008 12:42 PM
Thank goodness, I finally found out why I have reacted with these symptoms while under these lights. I first noticed it in the '50s while in second grade when the classes moved into a new building which had the flourescent lighting. All my life I've had to forego work that placed me under flourescents. My family and friends never believed me. Last month two doctors from whom I received physicals told me about these hazards. How many children can not stay fully alert in classes and get chastized publicly for it as I did. Modern technology seems to create more problems than its worth. Where are we headed when we invent something without understanding the dangers?
February 9, 2008 03:50 PM
My experience that leads me to believe that the flourescents at work are affecting me is as follows: After being exhausted (lack of sleep, jet lag, emotional stress and driving for an hour and a half) I went to work and stood in a room with no natural sunlight for 3 hours (has to do with direct mailing equipment requiring me to stay in this room with machinery). After leaving work at night time, I got into my car received a phone call while I was driving, and had to get off immediately because the person sounded like the wa wa wa wa teacher off the Charlie Brown cartoon. Then my eyes felt like they were crossed and I couldn't see the road because the stoplight's glare and moving cars were making me dizzy. I pulled over thinking I was just exhausted and then tried to drive again and the same optical symptoms occured. I almost put the car in park in the middle of the intersection because I had the feeling I was going to pass out (tingly fingers, cold sweat, dizziness, and loss of peripheral vision.) For a week thereafter, I could not drive my car because I kept experiencing the same "ill" and psychological feelings. In a world prevalent with psychotropic medication that will "cure" any experience of psychological/physiological symptoms, I feel like I have become more of a victim of science and technology than my eyesight failing me. I was treated for the anxiety with clonazepam, but am trying to ween off of it. Then, after working under these lights yesterday, my symptoms reoccured and I thought, a benzo isn't meant to correct for vision, and I could barely drive home last night. The bottom line here is that no one should have to be flagged as anxiety-prone or "crazy" by a doctor or any other professional, before we all consider what is really crazy here and that is that there are more people complaining about the negative effects of theses lights than speaking in favor of the light's energy saving qualities. Treating the symptoms is becoming more normal than treating the problem. It makes me wonder what else is out there that we have tech'ed up at our own health's expense. I guess I'll have to live by candle light and wear sunglasses at night after work (isn't there a song about that) once this bill goes into effect.
February 12, 2008 10:17 PM
To Jane and all other sufferers, As long as we have free will we will have human error and we will have evil. There are thousands of things that we have been sold a bill of goods on and this just happens to be one of them. We need to fight every way we can. I am not a particularly political person but I think I am going to need to be. We get what is happening but where do we go to fight this where somebody will listen and it will not be a waste of time? People, if any amoung you has a sharp political mind please come forward with suggestions. Thank you in advance.
January 21, 2008 06:01 PM
wow... I did a quick search on google and am so glad to find out that I'm not alone. Like many people posting here, I never liked going to Wal-mart, but yesterday I had the worst case of fluorescent lights intolerance ever! 2 mins into the store I was dizzy, holding onto the racks for balance and cannot stay in between the aisles at all. I was so nauseated and had to keep taking these deep breaths to clear my head. Cannot look up any of the aisles, must keep my eyes down... and seriously hoping for a pair of sunglasses!
I thought I looked like a LUNATIC with one hand over my mouth and another holding onto the 24 rolls of toilet paper I got for balance and looking around for open spaces like I was claustrophobic! Seriously I fought so hard not to pass out right there underneath those lights. I was much better as soon as I got out of the store. When I told my sister, to my surprise she told me she never liked Wal-mart because of those lights. Get a big headache and all.
I work 8 hours at my office with fluorescent lights everyday and I changed most of my light bulbs at home to energy saving fluorescent bulbs, but never feel even mildly sick under them.I suspect the difference is due to the quality of the lights. I once heard about something like a blink rate or something with fluorescent lights and the cheap ones doesn't have as high a rate as the good ones. Therefore people can feel them blinking subconciously but not conciously.
January 16, 2008 11:50 AM
I have commented on how flourescent lights make me feel for years. I thought I was crazy myself. My hubby has been penny pinching and putting those flourescent bulbs into every sing fixture in our house! I recently MADE him put incandenscents back in my kitchen. What a difference! I feel like a new person. WAY more energy, lessened eye strain and eye pain. I feel great! This site gives me some validation for my symptoms. Remember, you can buy halogen too! Those have always emitted a light I can handle very well.
Margaret (attorney!)
December 19, 2007 12:26 AM
ALARM - We must do something about the florescents now. The energy bill before House of Representatives soon to be signed by President has a obscure provision in it requiring mandatory transition to florescents in US beginning in 4 years through 12 years complete. If we do not massively bombard our congressmen, senators and the White House switchboard in the next several days we may lose our accessibility to even our own homes, and our civil rights to equal access, disability accommodations all b/c of a misguided effort by the green movement which I otherwise support. This is a crisis. I was diagnosed with complex partial seizures with photosensitive component after a chemical injury. The injured brain gives the very symptoms that you all speak about. It also happens with the CFLs. Irlen lenses are a partial solution, but only temporary b/c the light flicker still gets in around edges of glasses. Some of the naked florescents burn through even the polarizing lenses (double coated) that Duke Eye center neuropthalmologist made for me. Dr. Henry Greene, optometrist in Durham, NC, helped me with these, and with some prosthetic contacts with center an opaque polarized tent to cover pupils. This was not a total answer either, but helped. The answer is CHOICE in lighting. I am a new disabled lawyer who cannot even go in the courtroom b/c of this mess. Now the passage of this bill would mean I no longer even have the house as my sanctuary. We must use our voices now. Please pass this message and call to action along to all of the support groups, independent living centers and advocacy groups you know. It is urgent.
Andy C.
December 5, 2007 12:21 PM
Thank god, I'm not going crazy. I have had this problem with walking into large stores with fluorescents for a couple years now, I get dizzy and a feeling like the open space is over whelming. Then I started to notice that when I would sit in our family room at night(fluorescent lighting) I was getting similar symptoms, but if I sat in the living room (no fluorescents) at the same time at night, no symptoms. I am seeing my doctor this week and going to ask him about it. And then I'm going shoping for new light fixtures. Boy am I glad I found this sight.
November 20, 2007 06:50 PM
This will be a long entry. I've read this whole page, and am amazed at how similar most of the posts are... I also see that there are almost no real solutions, but that's not a surprise to me.
For 30-odd years, I abused my body. Not with drugs or alcohol (I'm pretty clean, outside of a couple of years of normal college drinking), but with tons of stress, very little sleep, and lots of staring at monitors. I've always worked around computers, either in IT or as a writer. And since 15, I've worked like a dog, sleeping an average of maybe 4 hours per night. There was a stint in Silicon Valley where I worked 100 hours per week, sleeping 2 hours per night, usually staying up all night at least a couple of times a week.
At one point, over three years ago, I worked in an all-fluorescent environment, and my life fell apart. I developed debilitating headaches, and although my job was patient with me, I eventually lost the job, my other consulting work, my relationship and finally my apartment and belongings.
What happened? It started with just headaches, which I immediately suspected were caused by the fluorescents -- and that was a quick target for doctors, telling me that it was too easy to blame that. But see, I knew my eyes were sensitive, and I knew a good deal about lights, since I had sold lighting fixtures earlier.
I had always had eagle-eyes... able to read not only the bottom line on an eye chart, but the copywrite at the bottom. I had also been tested for frequency and color spectrum, and found that I was an outlier, able to see far more than normal. I could pick up more than 30fps and see in extremely low light. I had discovered a problem in my first computer job, that a low refresh rate on my monitor would get my eyes twitching. If it were set under 85Hz (most are, by default), it hurt my eyes.
So while working at this job with all the fluorescent lighting (a university), I had both the overhead lights, and a computer screen, blinking at a different rate than the lights. I should mention that these lights were tubes as well as CFL's, which were housed in multifaceted reflectors. In fact, the CFL's were much worse for me, reflecting out in different directions at different blink rates.
I started to get tension headaches that felt like having a drill plunged into the base of my skull. That's a guess, because this, of course, hasn't happened to me, but I've dealt with a lot of pain, and this was about as bad as you can have. Once the tension headache was in full swing, it would trigger a migraine, which if allowed to go unabated, would put me on the floor, holding my head, completely unable to do anything but breathe.
And for the first time in my life, I was affected by things like stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, caffeine, etc etc etc. All of these things could bring on a migraine.
I saw specialists all over. All the scans. Tumor? No, nothing structurally wrong. In fact, no signs of anything, aside from the fact that I was in mortal pain most of the time. I was prescribed all kinds of medications while I fought through it, still going to work. But after a few months of that, the meds were making things worse, to the point where one morning I couldn't muster the strength to even rise from bed or eat, so obviously that was the last of that.
I tried more meds later, milder stuff... it seemed to help a little, but not much. I wore shades to work, and figured they helped 10-20%, but that was it. Wearing a hat helped a bit as well.
I changed my life around. New diet, more exercise, more sleep, no stress. After two years, lots of money borrowed and the loss of the aforementioned things, I got back to work full-time early this year, and of course, I'm working around fluorescent lights. They've asked me not to wear a hat inside, so I stopped that, but I still wear shades every day, and I've been told that it alienates me from the others. What can I do??
The effects continue, although in my extremely-vanilla lifestyle, the migraines are mostly under control. Still, I am exhausted after a day of working, especially now in the winter, when it gets dark outside, and the natural lights is gone. I try and spend some time in the rooms that have halogens, but that's limited. I also make sure that my monitor is top-notch, the refresh rate is 100Hz, and it's eye-level.
What can be done? Aside from controlling your own environment (at home), there doesn't seem to be a lot. This is what I know: fluorescent lighting is false to the eye, and the blink of it can be harmful, and a trigger for many things. If you can, get halogen lights, which are the closest thing to sunlight. I have zero problems with them, as long as they're not giving off glare. Make sure your ergonomics are good, if you're sitting. As far as Wal-Mart and the like, have a quick in-and-out strategy before you go in there. Know what you want and where it is, and get out fast. For me, it's usually 15 minutes before I start to feel the headache (my tolerance for pain is pretty high now).
My next step is with glasses. I've spent a couple of years studying this, and I believe that it should be possible to construct a good pair to block out the bad effects. Just simple shades start to do the work in terms of the blink, but you also need to work on the color spectrum, and two very important factors: the peripherals, and uniformity. This means if there are overhead fluorescents, make sure the lenses are polarized, and also make sure they aren't letting in light on the sides or underneath or something. They need to cover your eyes completely.
I haven't found someplace that specializes in this yet... I have a theory that there is a certain hue of lens that will help me, but I need to test this out with a professional. I have a feeling that if you suffer from eye problems from fluo's, then a full-cover, polarized, colored lens might make a substantial difference, perhaps allowing for a full workday under the lights.
It's also worth mentioning that halogens are low-voltage lights, and use less voltage than CF's, and although their heat/light ratio isn't as good, they're not far off from fluo's. And we need more resarch on the effects of Xenon lights, I can't find nearly enough!
Judith Wilde
April 24, 2007 12:16 PM
I am sensitive to fluorescent lights, especially when the ceiling is lower. I recently attended a quilting workshop and found that after an hour under these lights my eyesight became very blurred. Fifteen minutes outside in natural light helped but I was unable to keep up with the work because of the constant eye strain. I notice that my eyes become blurry when I am reading for any length of time under fluorescent lighting. I am concerned about the effects of a total ban on incandescent bulbs in the near future. I do have a slight pink tint on my glasses to help with this.

HDTV's & EMF - CureZone: 4/14/2008 http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1153664#i
I have read a good bit about EMF's and their effect on our body. Never had much experience personally but had an eye-opening experience recently. I was in a large Sears store decided to check out the electronics while the wife shopped. There was a long aisle with HDTV's on both sides, maybe 6 feet apart, facing each other. I was walking slowly and not stopping to check out any particular tv. Before I was in between all those sets for a full 2 minutes, I got a headache, insides trembling and a slight case of nausea. I got out of there promptly. And I was slightly dizzy for hours afterward. I looked back and the area was enclosed in glass and there were no customers. The clerk and salesman both were at the entrance.

Photosensitivity Proven - Jan 27, 2003 alt.med.fibromyalgia http://groups.google.com/group/alt.med.fibromyalgia/msg/193b087539406b32 I spent all last semester sick as a dog, and searching long and hard for a doctor to take my complaints seriously. The one thing that many docs told me was not true was my photosensitivity. Every day, after I'd come home from sitting under those danged flourescent lights, my face would be bright red, and on fire, like I had a sunburn or windburn. But I thought, maybe they're right, and maybe it's my fevers, or maybe I'm just flushed. Well, it has gone away while off from school. Never happened the whole time I was off from school. Today was my first day back, and I'm noticing while I'm sitting eating dinner, my face feels on fire!


Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by scotsman9 on 10/21/2004
Hi,I've been getting over labyrithitis now for about 13 months. i'm much better but haven't been quite right since this started. I am presently having trouble with a particular LCD screen. I have two in total, one is OK while the other one makes me dizzy. So strange as I can't really say what the difference is between the two. So it's not always the refresh rate unfortunately. I'm trying to get used to the one that makes me dizyy (it's a higher quality screen) but not sure if I ever will!Best..Scott
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by Lolobro on 11/18/2004
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! with DizzinessI have the same problem with dizziness 24/7 and it seems to trigger it the most when I am driving or on the computer. I have been from one Doctor to the next and have had test after test...some say tumors, MS, pinched nerves etc but it won't go away. I went from being very active one day...playing tennis everyday to totally sitting at home trying not to move too quickly b/c of the dizziness. Can anyone help me??????Email me lolobro@bellsouth.net
New LCD digital monitor causing extreme headaches/nauseaPosted by seh1952a on 05/14/2005
HELP! I just bought a Samsung 930B digital LCD computer monitor. In about 5 minutes, I have a raging headache at the top of my head, dizziness, eye fatigue and nausea. I thought LCD's were supposed to be an improvement over CRTs! I am dumbfounded. I work in front of a computer 8 hours a day and never had these symptoms. Has anyone out there heard of this phenomenon? Thanks.

Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by smith0727 on 11/06/2006
My name is Sheila and I have been having the same exact problem, and it really doesn't help that I JUST got my degree in Graphic Design....I have a new Mac OS X powerbook (Processor- 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4) and my job is basically my computer...but with in the past year all of my dizzy symptoms have been getting worse! Driving isn't so bad, but being under fluorescent lights, (Example Dr.s Offices), being behind a computer or even in a store trying to look at all the products makes me want to faint.......I would really appreciate my life back and would love to here any advice on solutions? (Besides a glare screen...got it....no difference AND even spent a fortune on filters "claiming" to illuminate all the electromagnetic waves in the air....obviously those waves are still there LOL) Please Help!!! sheila- artsie@bellsouth.net
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by Taggy44 on 06/21/2007
Hi.. I have been experiencing loss of balance and dizzyness. I have discovered that it can be controlled with seasickness tablets! I am pesuming it's an ear thing but the tablets do seem to work brilliantly. It might be worth a try for a few of you and give some relief!

Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by 524454 on 07/30/2007
Please keep this thread going!!I have been suffering from the same symptoms as described on this message board. Dizziness/loss of balance/weightlessness/feeling top heavy. It is at its worse when in the presence of florescent lighting. Computer screens are also bad, as well as when day turns to night. My body feels totally off balance. Often like I have the sensation of falling from side to side or backwards. Noone (ENT / neurologist / naturopath......) has been able to help. THis is so comforting to know that I'm not alone. Please post if someone finds an answer!!!

Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by mark120472 on 09/06/2007
Hi,I have been a designer/drafter for the last twelve years and just in the last 18months have began to experience dizziness, nausess and terrbiel headaches when using the computer monitor or driving and sometimes reading. I get to the point where I can't really concentrate or think and I get really tired and depressed. It is very frustrating. I just got laid off work because of my symptoms. I had to leave the computer many times a day and couldn't get any work done, I am now looking for a new career away from the computer. What a bummer!! I will be lucky to make half the ammount of money I am used to. Anyway I just saw a neuroglogist and he said I have some abnormalities with my optic nerve and he is going to have me checked out further. The opthamologist dialated my eyes and said they look fine even after the neurologist asked to have the optic nerve looked at specifically. When doing an MRi with emphasis on the optic nerve is when the symtoms came up. I am going to go into the hosipital and they are going to work me over to get a better idea.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by ABC123 on 02/18/2008
Wow, I can't believe it took me 4+ months to find this forum. I started having these issues in October of 2007 by one huge spat of vertigo. I was staring at my computer screen and suddenly the room began spinning in circles. I panicked and my heart was racing like crazy. I called 911, went to the ER and they took all my vitals. I was normal with everything, and thus the struggle to find out what's wrong with me began.Since then, I've had dizziness at work every single day - making my day to day tasks a nightmare. I've seen my doctor about 10 times, was prescribed BP mediation, mood medication, received CT scans, taken blood, etc, etc, and nothing has worked. I have spent easily $3-4K in this whole process.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by tengam99 on 04/14/2008
Hi guys,I just started having this dizzness thing happen about two months ago. Its so amazing to see so many people having this same issue. I walk around feeling off balance. I've never felt like this before, it makes you feel abnormal. I think one solution maybe having to go back to glass monitors. The plasma screens are responsible for this problem; it has to do with the lighting. Many of you have already deduced this. I think bigger monitors sitting farther away maybe a solution. I've had some success that way, but that's just me. Computer glasses, glare screen covers may work as well. Taking breaks every 15mins and proper room lighting, these are my suggestions. We are going to have to figure this thing out until some research is done to come up with a cure-all. Please note your findings and post them, It will be a great help. I still haven't gotten rid of the dizziness, but I'll be damned if I gonna let this thing beat me. This fight isn't over. Good luck, and God speed.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by suzanna on 04/25/2008
WOW! It seems like that this problem is more common than I thought. Computers, especially laptops bother me a lot. It started about 2 years ago. When I am on the computer, it feels like my forehead and my brain get numb, I can't think clear, my eyes sore, I get a little disoriented and I even have a metallic taste in my mouth occasionally. I also can not fall asleep if I'm on the computer before going to bed. I noticed that the symptoms get worse when I am a little tired. On the other hand, when I spend days without my laptop, I can think so clear. I have not done extensive research on the issue, but I am suspecting that sensitivity to computer monitors do link to body chemistry as one of the previous post mentioned. I think that if you are sensitive to computers, you must have some chemical imbalance or had some exposure to toxic or heavy metals at one point. It could be that you simply have mercury fillings in your teeth, you could be having too much fish in your diet, or using deodorants and body lotions that contain aluminum and other metals. Some of these metals are neurotoxins, and do accumulate in your brain. I think that the radiation from the computer affects these chemicals in the body and it triggers the symptoms of foggy brain and dizziness. I also get some of these symptoms when I use my cell phone (only cell phone, not house phone) or stand in front of my fridge. But not always. I have no idea what it depends on that some days I can use my cell phone without getting foggy, whereas on other days it really affects me.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by carriebobarrie on 05/19/2008
I have just started having this same problem at work with my Dell 19" LCD flat panel. I felt so silly telling my boss what was happening to me. I feel nauseous, dizzy and get an extreme headache from the moment I start looking at the monitor. My laptop at home does not bother me. I also feel fine on the weekends. I have also had 3-4 episodes of vertigo over the past 10years. Knock on wood...not for about 2 years. The ENT told me I had meniers disease, basically fluid in the inner ear and high salt can trigger he told me. I do also get a very strange feeling in some department stores. I saw some others mentioning that. We all seem to have some similar issues.I just don't understand why it just started happening all of a sudden. I have had this monitor for about 8 months. They are going to switch it out with a newer one and I will try a glare screen. The eye doctor said my eyes were healthy and he did suggest switching the refresh rate to 75 mgz, which I did and lowered brightness all the way and it made no difference. If the new monitor makes no difference I have thought about asking for a smaller screen. I will let everyone know if I figure something out. It is very upsetting. I cannot do my job without using the computer.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by tambonia1972 on 02/12/2009
It has been a long time since I have posted an update but thought I would share something that ACTUALLY helped me after a year and half of struggling with nausea while using computers. It is something I have tried before but wrote off because the side effects of the drug were worse than the nausea for me so I was disfunctional in a different way. However, I tried Dramamine again but the 'Less Drowsy' formula this time and it helped. I am not saying that cured me but it helped and its the first thing that has. I take a quarter of a pill before heavy computer work and then another quarter an hour later that way any side effects are decreased with a gradual dose. Other than that, I take frequent breaks, use a blue background for the computer screen when possible, use my computer glasses, use only task lighting (no flourescent overhead fixtures) and then just get 'off-line' when it gets too bad in one day picking up on tasks that don't involve a computer until I feel better. I have tried just about everything and had just about every test but have only come with that I have some kind of motion sickness issue triggered by computer use - could be the movement of the screen (even though I have a flat screen and its not supposed to 'flicker') or the flourescent backlighting in the monitor. Until technology comes up with a screen that has NO flicker and doesn't use flourscent bulbs as backlighting (that I can actually afford), I can't be sure but if I find anything else concrete - I will post again.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by mpbro on 03/20/2009
I see a recurring theme -- problems started with LCD monitors. Notice the rash of posts since 2007, when most everyone went to flat panel monitors.My symptoms are a general sense of being dizzy. Compromised balance. Hard to focus on objects off the computer screen (try looking into a fridge to find something). Bumping into things.It took me a long time to figure out when it started, but it was soon after I got flat panel screens. I took a four day backpacking trip (no computers obviously) and felt great by the end of it.My business partner's son got a video game system and complained of exactly the same issue after playing on a flat panel TV for an intense week.It's a simple explanation, and it sure sounds more plausible than rocks in your ears or mercury in your fillings. I'm just sayin!================================
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by jesuslives on 03/28/2009
I have no eye problems and can see fine however I do have symptoms from computer monitors ever since there onset in the business world somewhere around the late 70s to the present. If I was near certain monitors I would ge an immediate head ache , I would have eye pain and nausea to boot. I would have to turn the monitor off and leave the room. I would have aches in my joints and my heart would race. The instant headache and eye head ache and nausea were terrible. I did not even have to view the screen to feel this way. Just to be in the room with the monitor was a horror. Over the years I did temp work and answered phones. This way I was in a reception area by myself and only had to deal with one monitor. I would turn the monitor off and answer phones. I survived this way for years. During my temping I got to know which brands of computer monitors hurt me and which did not. I found out that the ones that were shielded inside (a metal box around the working parts), were the monitors that I could feel nothing, they were great. The problem was that lots of monitors were not shielded inside and made me sick every where I would run into them, like stores and libraries and doctors offices. Just wanted to thank everyone here for validating my discovery about monitors causing illness. I wish they all could be shielded inside. I am still trying to find an answer. My company had to give me the old monitors after they leased new flat screens for every one else. Mine are huge at my front desk. The are fine. I worry about when they burn out what I will do to find a new shielded monitor. I just keep hoping the monitor manufacturers will have to shield all monitors someday. Blessings to you all.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by gboss260 on 04/16/2009 hey..
It is nice to hear that I'm not the only one! My symptoms started almost exactly a year ago. I experienced all of the above symptoms, and like most of you freaked out and had numerous blood tests by various doctors, MRI, ECG, etc etc etc. I saw quite a few ophthalmologists as well. This all led to me leaving my job to take some time off. However I only lasted three weeks as we need money to survive.For the last couple of months I seem to have been heaps better, then about three weeks ago, my symptoms have come back strong again. It generally starts about 10 mins after I start working, then continues in different strengths all day. If I have a client meeting, I can barely concentrate on them or keep my focus. It just makes me want to hide! Its very frustrating. I get very anxious and depressed as a result to the point where I just don't think I can get through the day! I'm a graphic designer also so I don't really have a choice but to soldier on! From all my visits with eye specialists, They all said my eyesight was perfect... Although I do have focussing issues.. Not a lazy eye or anything I just find it hard to keep my eyes together when focussing up close. Generally, when I put my finger in front of my face and bring it in closer, my left eye will move to the left when I can't focus any longer. I was given lots of exercises to correct this and they did work, but didn't clear my symptoms. I am starting to think that this is my problem, along with suffering from anxiety... all this is self diagnosed though as no doctor seems to be able to give me a definitive solution.I guess if i look at the basic facts its kind of simple. It all result back to eye strain from various reasons, this in turn makes me feel dizzy, and then anxious and then it all just gets worse and worse. Plus my eyes drying up from air con.. I don't know... maybe I just want to believe this is the answer?If you have a look at http://www.hollywoodvision.com/vision-therapy.php is has a checklist of eye problems that can result from eye strain and computers... Anyway I hope I have made sense to you all. Hopefully something I have said will help somebody out there!my thoughts are with you all :)
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by tambonia1972 on 08/03/2009
I do believe that I have the Computer Vision Syndrome as the second to the last post described. I have posted many times before over my two year struggle with this phenomenon (nausea while using a computer). And as I stated in those posts, I have tried just about everything. I recently tried out a LED Backlite LCD Monitor and it didn't help so I sent it back after about a weeks trial. It only cost me the shipping to return it (~$18) so it was worth a shot and may be worth a shot for some of you. However, that was pretty much my last hope so I as soon as the economy gets better, I am going to find a new job that doesn't require more than two hours of computer work per day. I am simply spent (emotionally, physically and financially). But thanks to all who have posted their suggestions and encouragement.
Re:Computer Monitors and DizzinessPosted by Caseeygirl on 08/04/2009
Thank goodness I found this Message board. This makes more sense than anything I've been told by Doctors.I share alot of the same symptoms, dizziness,red rash on my legs/arms,headaches, sleeplessness,bumping into things,etc.I get a severe pain between my shoulder blades that goes all the way into my chest. I've been using an Acer LCD Monitor for about a year and just recently - 3 months ago, had my 1st dizzy spell.I was first treated for depression,anxiety, then told I had fluid in my ears,allergies. The ENT said I did NOT have fluid, he suspected MS,ordered an MRI. I have an appt with the Neurologist in a couple weeks to read the MRI. I have also printed this board to take with me.Some days I feel like I'm loosing my mind. The person who posted about computers putting out toxins.. BRILLIANT concept. I don't use flourescent bulbs. I work from home, 10-12 hrs a day on the computer. Have been for 7 yrs.Is Technology making us sick? I have increased my text font, which does help with eye strain, and tried Dramamine yesterday which did give some relief,although I only worked 3 hrs. My heart goes out to everyone going through this. Thank you for all your posts and suggestions. I think we need to call Oprah :)


For quite a while now, I've noticed that whenever I am shopping in a store with overhead florescent lighting, it really bothers my eyes. It makes my vision blurry, my head swim, I feel almost dizzy, or lightheaded and my eyes don't focus well. If I exit the store and get into daylight, I'm instantaneously fine. This happened just today at Target. It only occurs with florescent lights. Stores at the mall with soft lights don't seem to have the same effect. I have my vision checked regularly and all is well. I am on Lexapro and have been for some time. I know that one of the side effects can be vision irregularities--but, I don't think this complaint is among them. I think it may just be more "meno magic". Has anyone else experienced this? I hate to keep running out of a store every 15 minutes into daylight to refocus
mamameno, I've always had trouble with fluorescent lights. They're just not good for your eyes. I get the same feeling of not being able to focus or see things clearly, feel fuzzy-headed. At my last job, my boss had replaced the bulbs with good natural daylight type lighting and it made such a difference. Maybe meno does make us more sensitive to fluorescent lighting, but I think studies were done a long time ago that said they really aren't conducive to anyone, especially kids in elementary school. Unfortunately it's very cheap lighting, which is all most school districts can afford.
Mamameno...Fluorescent lighting should be banned from the planet. This may sound strange, but I can actually FEEL fluorescent lights. I can fell the the hum, the vibration of them. Several years ago I worked at a campground as a store clerk. Large building, few windows, bank after bank of fluorescent lighting. My shifts were 10 hours long. Ughhh. I had the maintenance guys remove all the light tubes in a 20 foot perimeter of my desk, and brought in a bunch of lamps...good ol' incandescent. Everyone started calling the store "Pam's Cave"...it was kind of dark in there. But I couldn't have remained at the job if I hadn't changed the lighting. As for the stores which use the fluorescents.....they should be told that if they changed the lighting perhaps we could stay in the store long enough to spend more. Would benefit them and us.
Does anyone else have sensitivity to artificial light in general? It seems I can't stand overhead light in the evenings, but prefer the light of table lamps, which are more gentle. Also, I can't stand to turn on the bathroom light at night. I just get ready for bed using the little night-light. Otherwise I feel disoriented.
This topic is great...ME TOO!! Florescent lights are the devil...the apartment I'm living in has put them in the kitchen, bathroom, and closet. UghLuckily, I still have the original over-the-sink lighting for the bathroom, but have had to add torchieres in the kitchen for relief. The closet isn't a big deal, but the others are terrible.
When driving or even just riding in a vehicle at night, many at times i have wished I could throttle the man...i know it has to be a HE that invented them *%&#@ thangs, no woman would put other women though this...those BRIGHT headlights...you know the ones that you can see 20 miles away coming at you...OR those new and improved GREEN traffic lights. Let's not even get started on some of the side street lights on the interstate !!!!!


  1. Hi, I'm poster of this blog, and author of computer monitor pain site

    I decided to create this blog, which is basically a compilation of excerpted testimonials culled from the web, in order to further publicize the evil wrought by fluorescence/phosphors/whatchamacallit. Be it CRT/LCD/LED/TV/HDTV/whatchamacallit. Satan goes by many names - makes no diff!

  2. P.S. pasting this "illuminating" article from:


    Researchers are attempting to create incandescent bulbs that will meet looming efficiency requirements.
    The race to find more efficient lighting technologies appears to have an unlikely dark horse: the incandescent light bulb.

    While traditional incandescents will soon be phased out in the United States and abroad, researchers are plugging away to create more efficient versions that comply with looming new standards — while also providing an alternative for consumers who find compact fluorescents objectionable.

    Scientists at the University of Rochester gave Green Inc. an advanced peek at their newly-developed method for nearly doubling the efficiency of an incandescent by blackening the tungsten filament with a short pulse laser. The results of their work will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Physical Review Letters.

    According to the Chunlei Guo, an associate professor of optics at the university, the laser process creates a unique array of tiny structures on the surface of the filament, making it more effective at radiating light. Regular incandescent bulbs convert only about 10 percent of the energy used into light, while the rest is emitted as heat.

    “With the same electric power input, the lamp is about twice as bright,” said Mr. Guo. And though the technology is still in the early stages of development, Mr. Guo believes it would not be difficult for bulb companies to add a tungsten blackening step to the manufacturing process. “The implementation should be fairly straightforward,” he said.

    Meanwhile, researchers at Deposition Sciences in Santa Rosa, Calif., have found a way to increase the efficacy of an incandescent to nearly 40 lumens a watt by using reflective coatings that allow waste heat to be converted to visible light. The light output of traditional incandescents, depending on the wattage, is between about 10 and 20 lumens a watt.

    “If you can get up to the levels we’re talking about, it really changes the game,” said Norm Boling, vice president of research and development for the company. “It means you can have the attributes of an incandescent and still have the efficiency. You can have your cake and eat it too.”

    Lighting companies are already using earlier versions of Deposition Sciences’ coatings to manufacture more efficient incandescents, like Philips Lighting’s Halogena line, which promises to be up to 38 percent more efficient, with light outputs of up to 23 lumens a watt and 3,000-hour lifespans.

    In Europe, Philips recently introduced the EcoClassic range of incandescents, which are touted as 50 percent more efficient than traditional bulbs.

    Industry experts believe the price of advanced incandescents – Philips’ A-shaped Halogenas are about $5 apiece at Amazon.com and Home Depot – are expected to come down as more consumers are forced to seek out bulbs that meet new efficiency standards.

    Utilities and government agencies are also considering offering financial incentives to make them more affordable.

    “If they save energy and are cost effective, we’ll bundle them into an incentive program,” said Gregg Ander, the chief architect for the utility Southern California Edison. (California will begin phasing out inefficient incandescents starting in 2011 – one year ahead of the rest of the nation.)

    For all of this, light-emitting diode (LED) and compact-fluorescent products already on the market have stated efficiency ratings of 40 to more than 100 lumens per watt, making it difficult to predict how long incandescents will stay in the game.

    Chris Calwell, a senior research fellow with Ecos Consulting, believes combining various research efforts – like those occurring at the University of Rochester and Deposition Sciences – may be the key to the incandescent’s staying power.

  3. I recently came across a product which was specially made to combat headaches and eye strain caused by computer screens! I couldn't believe my eyes (pun intended!) but it worked for me.

    I got it here: http://www.blazeeurope.com/pc/blink-now/prod_142.html and it is called "Blink Now". Amazing piece of kit!

  4. I have issues with fluorescent lighting as well. Severe vertigo, eye strain, migraines, nausea and fatigue. It's horrible. I've been unable to work for 6 months and fighting with short term disability to overrule their denial. They state that I haven't provided sufficient proof to warrant the disability. I'm physically unable to be under the fluorescent lights! It's the most horrible feeling that has put me in ER with meds down my throat and an IV in my arm. Just horrible. Is there any tests anyone knows of to prove teh effects the fluorescents are having on our bodies??

  5. -
    ELECTROMAGNETIC POLLUTION is the reason Wal-Mart messes with us.
    Humans are influenced by light. The light in Wal-Mart flickers at a rate that is contradictory to our natural electromagnetic functions. It's kinda like when the tires of a plane first make contact with the runway. Something's gotta give. In this case, it's the humans electromagnetic system (which controls brain & body functions). We (& the sun) run at 13 THz (1,000,000,000,000,000 Hz). Wal-Mart light fluctuates at 60 Hz. It slows down our electromagnetic system, & we get all messed up.
    -The solution to electromagnetic polution is BLACK SUN ORGONITE.
    -Google Dr. WILHELM REICH.
    Black sun Orgonite sustains a healthy electromagnetic field around your body, so your body isn't influenced by any deadly external EMF. How does Black Sun Orgonite Work? PIEZOELECTRIC. Google it too. Love You All. Dowin Gardner

  6. What I do at work is LEAVE my office for a few minutes to get a drink of water, look elsewhere besides a monitor, etc. Great way to relieve the eye strain. I also keep a good boric acid eye wash around.

  7. Caveat: I urge everyone reading this blog to research the web thoroughly before buying into ANY claims about orgonite, boric-acid washes, and any other "advices" touted on here, however impressive they may sound.

    You should definitely believe in the evils of EMF and fluorescent pollution, but NOT all the misguided advices.

    Rather, allow your own experience, natural instincts & logic to guide you, as well as in-depth research. (They're just adult versions of the charismatic kids who had me convinced as a child that biting candy with my front teeth would avoid cavities, or that milk bubbles taste just like ice cream).

    I encourage browsing thru the Dry Eye Zone postings (albeit even those should be read discriminatingly). Don't just believe any one piece of advice, since there's millions out there. I've been conned too many times by all sorts of ridiculous claims, and don't think that just because someone has the term "doctor" pasted before his/her name, it's any different. I've been misled by many conventional and alternative claims, since many professionals are also misguided due to lack of holistic/quantum knowledge.

  8. Apparently, I am sensitive to fluorescent lighting. It's happened to me a few times. The worse time was the most recent. I was in a store, nearby, and the lighting got to me so bad, that i could not see straight. I felt my body almost totally give up on me. Everything kind of looked green and seemed to be strobing. I had a hard time finding my debit card in my purse, and I thought I was going to have to crawl out of the place. I asked the cashier if the lights seemed like they were flickering to her, and she said "no." I was so embarrassed.

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